Do Not Fall into the Trap

Let’s just clear the air…

How many times have you found yourself searching for new diet plans and fast results with a particular “magical” product? 

I am going to be honest with you. I have fallen into this horrible trap numerous times in my life, one in which I finally learned my lesson.

Last spring, I was getting desperate to get rid of that final 10 pounds that I just NEEDED to lose. My exercise routine was consistent of both cardio and strength training and my eating (for the most part) was healthy. I was losing weight the right way but it just was not fast enough. So, I did a bit of research and started with buying quite the plethora of ingredients for a Dr. Oz detox, because why the heck not! Well, this surely didn’t last long. Let me just say, drinking your calories SUCKS, especially when it consisted of cucumber, kale, coconut water, and pineapple in horrible liquid, chunky mess.

I soon after resorted to my alternative plan- a green bean coffee extract pill. It kept appearing on my twitter feed with these incredible photos showing notable weight loss that was supposed to be quick and easy with this little pill to be taken with each meal. Well…I tried one with my breakfast and within a half hour, something was not right.

Now I will tell you that I have a history of fainting, medically referred to vasovagal syncope. So, if I my emotions are severely heightened, I faint. Well, after taking this pill, that feeling that I get before my lights go completely out was upon me. I was sitting with a friend and my vision was going blurry, my heart rate was quickly going up. Now, at this point, I was freaking out. I knew it was the pill. I just knew it.

I was too embarrassed to tell anyone why I was feeling this way, for diet pills aren’t something that I believed I should be proud of consuming. Thankfully, I began to feel better and did not end up fainting. However, the way that my body felt that day scared me to NEVER resort to those pills ever again.

Eventually, I broke down in tears a few weeks later with my parents and told them what I had tried to do. They made me promise that I would never do that again and try my hardest to lose weight the healthy way.

I shared this story with you because within our generation, especially all of our social media, we are CONSTANTLY inundated with the latest trends. Although these posts may seem legitimate due to their convincing before and after pictures, do not try any thing crazy unless you first truly research it by speaking to a nutritionist, dietician, doctor, you get my point!

The journey to strong is one that may tempt you to fall into the trap of trendy diets that you believe mean fast results. What you must promise to yourself is that you do not fall for any of it!

In my next blog post I will give you a great food breakdown for you to follow that will not only allow you to lose weight, but more importantly it will teach you how to be healthy, happy, and STRONG.

Remember that this process is one that is an ongoing journey with no end point. You are changing your lifestyle to save your life not just to have you fit in that one dress!

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