Time To Conquer.

We need to stop listening to the voices that are telling us we can’t. We need to stop listening to the images that make us feel as though we can never do it. We need to disregard every single individual who has ever doubted our ability to make change happen.

For each and every one of us, there is that person that comes to mind when reading that last sentence above. This is a person that either straight up told you “you will never accomplish that” or a person who did not support your aspirations. I know someone near and dear to me who continually thinks of that one woman that told her that she would never be able to lose the weight, that she was just “big-boned”. Well you know what I am here to tell you today?

It is now time for you and I to…PROVE THEM WRONG. 

If you succumb to an external, negative force, you immediately lose. It is when you stand up, fight back, and work your ass off that you sprint to the winner’s circle. By no means is this a game and I do not mean to provoke the idea of beating out another individual. Rather, my intention is for you to take all of that negative energy and criticism that has created a massive wall in your life and do nothing but tear it down. 

You will never be able to reach your full potential if you allow these voices to keep you from pushing it harder and harder in your workouts. I am guilty of this. There have been times recently where I look at girls with perfect bodies or girls who have lost substantial weight and think, “what is the use? I will never look like that. I will never get rid of this fat.” First off, there is truth that I will never look like “that” because I am ME and not them. However, more notably, I allow an external force destroy both my motivation and my confidence instantaneously.

Instead, what I need to do is rid myself of those forces and prove those that doubt, those that do not support, and those that criticize wrong!

During a tough workout, what I love to do is for a brief moment before I begin an exercise, think about those people and other such things that have ever doubted my strength and abilities. I envision these people standing before me, arms crossed, just staring down at me. “Alright, Jen,” I think to myself, “It’s time to conquer.”

From then on, I push myself to go faster, to do an extra rep, and to exude my strength beyond my expectations.

Whatever or whoever is causing you to ever question your worth, your ability, your strength- USE THEM as motivation. Think of them during a workout and push yourself as if they were with you. This is your time to get down and crank out a hard workout; it is not a time for you to be hesitant or timid.

Be confident. It is your time to prove yourself.

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